The Enterprise Development & Investment Promotion Program (EDIP)
The EDIP is a package approach aimed at developing the capacities of potential entrepreneurs in order to boost their capabilities and assist them in developing their own private businesses. The process is based on an approach that deals with building entrepreneurial capabilities in addition to enterprise planning, implementation and management.
The EDIP is multifaceted in the sense that it need not only assist in developing start-up entrepreneurs (Enterprise Creation Program) but rather represents a major mechanism for upgrading and expanding existing enterprises (Enterprise Growth Program). Through the provision of value added services, tools and programs to potential entrepreneurs. Moreover; it facilitates and promotes domestic investment which undoubtedly leads to the attraction of foreign direct investments mainly through the linkage with the UNIDO ITPO Network, thus leading to job creation and a more diversified economy.
Further to the above the EDIP has evolved into a practical well-structured Incubation System in addition to that it encompasses non-financial and financial services.
The EDIP consists for five steps: (Please note that detailed EDIP steps are in Annex 1)
A. Pre-Incubation
- Preparation & Empowerment
- Business Counseling & Technology Tie-up leading to full-fledged joint ventures
- Financial linkages
B. Incubation (In-Wall and Virtual)
C. Post Incubation and Growth programs