Nivedita Dhadphale

ConsultNivs and BHR4ALL
Nivedita Dhadphale, graduate of EDIP’s 100th batch and Founder of “ConsultNivs”, is a British national who’s been living in Bahrain for nearly 3 decades.
Nivedita’s love for Bahrain and the community led her to create Bahrain For All; an annual event that was held for the first time in 2013 and upon receiving tremendous support and guidance fromvarious institutions including UNIDO ITPO, and the government of Bahrain, the event continues to take place yearly, with the recent 7th edition organized on 30 March, 2018.
Bahrain for All (BH4ALL) 2018, which took place in Prince Khalifa bin Salman Park, Bahrain, truly served its purpose by gathering different groups within Bahrain to not only appreciate, but to also celebrate unity in diversity. Over 45 embassies, expatriate social clubs, women’s groups, productive families, special needs centres, senior citizens groups, NGOs as well as the Ministry of Interior Directorates, participated in the event. In Addition to 26 live performancesby Bahraini artists, expatriate social clubs and special centres, 250 market stalls displaying, promoting and selling a wide range of products and services were available; a number of these entrepreneurs were identified, selected and sponsored by UNIDO ITPO and Tamkeen, and provided with stalls, free of charge, to promote and sell their products and/or services. Media recorded over 50,000 visitors to BHR4All 2018.
After completing the EDIP program in Feb 2018, and graduating from batch 100, Nivedita learned how to turn her passion into a sustainable business; in order for it to extend reach and create an even stronger impact. Through Her vast experiences and many successful endeavors, Nivedita found “the key to success is commitment to a cause and perseverance”.