About Business
Miramar's (Recycling)
Mira Al Charif
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php
Year Established: 2019
Collaboration Sought: Equipment purchase, Market access, Other, Networking
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php
Year Established: 2019
Collaboration Sought: Equipment purchase, Market access, Other, Networking
More About Miramar's (Recycling):
A story of patience
UpCycled SeaGlass Handmade Designs
Gift of the Sea.
Eco-friendly, Sustainable
Sea Glass is glass that has been tossed by humans to the beach, broken and then recycled by the ocean itself to be found on the shores as Sea Glass.
I wonder around the shores of Lebanon, pick up these beautiful Sea Glass jewels and upcycle then into handmade designs as in accessories, jewelry and home decor.