About Business
Ereny Elferony
Erny Adly
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php
Year Established: 2021
Collaboration Sought: Management expertise, Market access, Marketing expertise, Other, Networking
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php
Year Established: 2021
Collaboration Sought: Management expertise, Market access, Marketing expertise, Other, Networking
More About Ereny Elferony:
- Portable bags (bracelet bags) made of suede fabric, natural leather, and hand-woven linen (naqada)
- Embroidery with silver threads (Tilli), Sinai embroidery, and the use of silver to accessorize some bags.
- Inlaying portoeuvres with Khayamiya pieces.
- Designs of wicker bags inlaid with threads