United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Investment & Technology Promotion Office
Arab International Center for Entrepreneurship & Investment
Kingdom of Bahrain
Investment Technology Promotion Office - Bahrain
The UNIDO ITPO Bahrain was established in 1996, with the aim of facilitating the mobilization of foreign resources to enhance industrial partnership and cooperation between companies in both the Kingdom and other nations. As industries throughout the world confront the growing challenges of international competition; investment and technology are proving to be two essential components to success in the global market. However, many developing countries and countries with economies in transition face enormous difficulties in attracting investors as well as in gaining access to technology and markets.
Through the UNIDO ITPO Network of in 8 countries (Bahrain, China, Italy, Japan, Korea and Russian Federation); ITPO Bahrain provides a wide spectrum of services offered to Investors/Entrepreneurs ranging from Business Counseling to the setting up of joint ventures. Thus providing a unique combination of value-added services to client institutions and entrepreneurs who want to forge new alliances in international industrial investment and technology transfer.
Drawing on these links, ITPO Bahrain is redressing the industrial development imbalance by bringing investment and the latest technology to Bahrain for those mostly in need of a promotional helping hand. At the same time, the ITPO is opening up new opportunities for investors and technology suppliers to find potential partners.
ITPO Bahrain Services
1. Information Fast Lane Services
Investors/Entrepreneurs are often unfamiliar with the investment climate and related statutory requirement outside their own countries while lacking first-hand knowledge of potential partners abroad. Accordingly, ITPO Bahrain fills the gap by offering a full package of the latest information on:
- Screened bankable industrial business opportunities
- Specific manufacturing facilities that enterprises in their host countries seek to establish abroad
- Legal and economic environment
- Investment financing and technology supply sources
2. Partnership Promotion
ITPO-Bahrain acts as a forum for bringing new business opportunities to potential partners, guiding entrepreneurs at each stage of the investment cycle; from project identification through appraisal to implementation.
Partnership links in the form of:
- Joint-Venture
- Market Access & Marketing expertise
- Sub Contracting & Buy-back arrangements
- Equipment purchase
- Management expertise
- Technical expertise
- Technology Transfer
- Joint Research and Development
3. Business Negotiations
Organizing one-to-one meetings to negotiate specific projects by arranging tours for project sponsors promoting industrial collaboration opportunities and provide expert advice to ensure that the negotiations come to a successful conclusion.