Feelix Arm

Feelix LTD
Product / Service Description: 

Feelix arm is a portable light weight band worn on forearm of the user. It is designed to discretely communicate information from the users smartphone to their forearm.

Information is sent to the user in the form of haptic signals from various applications in real time. This enables users to receive information in times when they are engaged in physical activities and is difficult or unsafe to view it on their device screens like when engaged in sports, driving or just communicating with other people. The Feelix arm enables users to feel information in the form of electro tactile patterns which is very different to vibration as a lot more information is conveyed, such as intensity, speed and accuracy. users feel every point clearly and intuitively enabling a wide array of information to be received. Such applications can include heart rate, directions, trade signals, emergency alerts and gaming to name a few.

Lightweight and discrete product. Features 8 localised electro-tactile pads for fast communication and dynamic pattern generation


Our 2.0 prototype version is built with an open platform enabling developers to connect their softwares to extend their product features and applications. We are looking for collaboration opportunities.